Administrative professionals day 2021

What is Administrative Professionals Day

how Administrative Professionals Day is a day set aside to honor administrative professionals, or secretaries. This holiday is celebrated on the last Friday of April. On this day, it’s customary for companies and organizations to give their administrative staff some time off so that they can enjoy this special occasion!

5 Facts about Administrators You May not Know

1. Administrative Professionals are the backbone of any company or organization.

2. Unlike other professionals, administrative professionals are able to adapt their professional skills to different industries and work environments.

3. Administrative Professionals can have successful careers in many different professions so they don’t need to limit themselves!

4. Administrative Professionals are good at multitasking, which makes them excellent project managers or entrepreneurs!

5. Some of the most rewarding jobs for an Administrator include Event Planning, Public Relations, Social Media Management, and Consulting.

10 Offices with the Best Employee Benefits

1. Google provides two free meals a day and there’s a no-holds-barred kitchen stocked with goodies and snacks.

2. Facebook offers onsite childcare, fully equipped gyms, and swimming pools!

3. Google takes employee pet ownership seriously by providing doggie daycare, veterinary services, and favorite pet food options at their onsite store.

4. Netflix offers unlimited vacation time, up to $300 for entertainment expenses, and custom birthday gifts.

5. Samsung gives employees “semesters off” where they take six months leave without pay to pursue their own personal interests and career development.

6. Biogen offers flexible work schedules, four months of maternity leave, and pet insurance.

7. Apple provides employees with comprehensive healthcare plans that cover their whole family.

8. Evernote encourages employees to “work from anywhere” by offering virtual meetings, remote working options, and unlimited vacation time!

9. Yahoo’s well-equipped gym and onsite salon make it easy for employees to get a little “me time.”

10. Facebook employees get free laundry services, free food delivery, and dental insurance that covers the whole family!






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