How to Open Pear Deck from Microsoft Teams

What is Pear Deck?

Pear Deck is a collaboration platform that helps teams share and work on projects together. It gives you a centralized place to manage files, chat with colleagues, and track project updates. You can also join meetings from anywhere in the world.

How to Open Pear Deck from Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is a chat and collaboration platform that allows you to communicate with co-workers, clients, and customers. One way to access Microsoft Teams is through the Pear Deck portal.

To open the Pear Deck portal, go to team and sign in. Then, under the “Apps & Services” section of your homepage, select “Pear Deck.”

In the left pane, select “My Account.”
If you don’t have an account yet, click “Create an Account” and complete the required information. After you create your account, you’ll see your username and password in the right pane. Select “My Apps” from the top menu bar to see all of your installed apps. Under “Pear Deck,” select “Open App.”
If you have multiple accounts on Microsoft Teams (for example, work and personal accounts), you can sign out of one account before opening Pear Deck from another account. To do this: In Microsoft Teams, click on the user icon next to your name in the main window (like in Figure A). From the drop-down menu that appears (Figure B), select “Sign Out.” After signing out of an account, it will no longer be possible to open Pear Deck from that account unless you sign back in again.

Open a Pear Deck from Microsoft Teams

How to Open Pear Deck from Microsoft Teams

If you are looking for a way to open a Pear Deck from Microsoft Teams, then you have come to the right place. This guide will show you how to open a Pear Deck from Microsoft Teams on your computer.

First, open Microsoft Teams. If it is not already open, click on the icon in your toolbar or go to Once Microsoft Teams is open, click on the gear icon in the top-left corner and select Preferences. In the Preferences window, click on the Appearance tab and under Team Features, select pear deck. Click on the OK button to apply these changes and close the Preferences window.

Now that we have opened our Pear Deck, we need to find ourPear Deck URL. To do this, click on the arrow in the bottom-right corner of your screen and select Share This Page (URL). In the dialog that pops up, copy down your pear deck URL which looks like

Configure Email Preferences for a User in a Pear Deck

To configure email preferences for a user in a Pear Deck, open the user’s profile and click the Email Preferences tab. You can configure which email addresses the user can send and receive messages from, as well as how frequently they receive messages. You can also specify whether the user is allowed to reply to messages.

View and Delete Messages in a Pear Deck

If you want to view or delete messages in a Pear Deck, follow these steps:
1. Open the Pear Deck application.
2. Click the name of the team in which you want to work.
3. In the main pane, click Messages.
4. On the right side of the screen, under Team Messages, select a message or group of messages that you want to view or delete.
5. To delete a message, select it and then press Delete on your keyboard.
6. To view all messages in a given conversation or thread, select All Messages from the drop-down menu on the right side of the screen.

Create and View Threads in a Pear Deck

If you’re a user of Microsoft Teams, you may find the Pear Deck tool helpful for managing your threads. This tool lets you view and manage threads in your deck.

To open Pear Deck from Microsoft Teams, follow these steps:
1. In Microsoft Teams, click the gear icon in the top-left corner and select Preferences.
2. Under Team Services, under Core Options, select Pear Deck.
3. On the left side of the dialog box, set the Show Advanced Settings checkbox to Yes to see more options on the right side of the dialog box.
4. Click Save Changes to save your changes and close the Preferences window.
5. To open Pear Deck, click on it from within your team’s main page (icon in bottom-left corner). You’ll see a list of all your decks along with their respective threads (items).
6. To view or edit a thread, double-click on it or click on its title bar to display its content in a new tab/window.

Export Messages from a Pear Deck

If you want to export messages from a Pear Deck session, follow these steps:
1. Open the Pear Deck session that you want to export messages from.
2. On the left side of the window, under “Tools,” click “Export Messages.”
3. On the “Export Messages” window, under “Select a format,” select “Text (CSV).”
4. In the “Start exporting” box, type a filename for the exported text file and then click OK.
5. The exported text file will contain all of the messages in your Pear Deck session.


If you’re having trouble opening a Pear deck from Microsoft Teams, there are a few things you can do to troubleshoot the issue. First, make sure that your video and audio streams are properly transcribed and formatted into text.

If you’ve configured transcription for Microsoft Teams, be sure that it’s working correctly. You can also try using different browsers or devices to open the deck; if that doesn’t work, it might be an issue with your computer or network connection. In any case, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team for help.






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