The Original Saying “Great Minds Think Alike” Is As Follows

The Origin of the Saying

The saying “great minds think alike” is attribute to French philosopher René Descartes. He wrote in 1637, “I think, therefore I am.”

Follow The Original Saying

great minds think alike
great minds think alike

The Original Saying “Great Minds Think Alike” Is As Follows. The saying has been attributed to Jean-Jacques Rousseau and was popularized by Albert Einstein. It is commonly used to describe how similar individuals are thinking and why they should work together.

Blog Description:

The saying “Great minds think alike” is a well-known adage that refers to the idea that people with similar IQs or other cognitive abilities tend to have similar thinking patterns. This phenomenon can be explained by the fact that people with high intelligence often share common interests and backgrounds.

Despite its appeal, this saying has been criticized for being oversimplified. After all, not all great minds are alike. In fact, many of the world’s greatest thinkers come from different backgrounds and have used their unique skills to make significant contributions to society.

Blog Title: How to Stay Motivated When You’re Tired and Struggling With Your Work

There are times when the grind of work becomes too much and all you want to do is curl up under a blanket with a good book or Netflix show. Unfortunately, these moments don’t always come when you hope for them, and instead hit you like a ton of bricks.

So how do you keep your motivation high when things are tough? Here are some tips:

1. Set small goals that feel achievable. When we’re feeling overwhelm, our natural tendency is to try to take on massive tasks that we think will solve our problem. But this only leads to frustration and defeat. Instead, break down your goal into smaller, more manageable steps that still accomplish something. This way, you’re more likely to see progress and feel encourage as you go along.

2. Find an activity that brings you joy. Sometimes all we need is a little mental stimulation to get us through a tough stretch. If your work isn’t particularly fun or interesting, find something else that makes you happy and gives your mind something new to focus on. This could be reading novels, painting landscapes, playing music, or anything else that cheers you up and keeps your mind active.

3. Connect with other people

When you are tired, struggling with your work and feeling unmotivated, it can seem like the hardest thing in the world. But there are ways to keep yourself motivate on a day when you feel

stuck. One of the most famous quotes about motivation is “Great minds think alike.” This saying is often attribute to Albert Einstein, and it is a reminder that we can all draw inspiration from the best thinkers in the world.

The quote has been use to motivate people in a variety of different ways. Some people use it as a reminder that they are not alone in their struggles. Others use it as a tool to stay motivated when they feel like they are not making any progress. Regardless of how you use it, the quote is a reminder that we can all learn from the best minds in the world.


“Great minds think alike.” This old adage is often use to describe how people who are intellectually gift are able to come up with similar solutions to problems. The truth is, though, that great minds don’t always think alike. In fact, one of the best ways to learn and grow as a thinker is by challenging yourself with different ideas and concepts. Doing so will help you become better at problem-solving and critical thinking skills, two essential ingredients for success in life. So next time you see someone coming up with a brilliant solution, remember that it’s not always easy for them — they’ve had to put in a lot of hard work!







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